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Donate to the Abbeyfield Wey Valley Society

Donating to the Abbeyfield Wey Valley Society

Support us and help enrich the lives of older people. At Abbeyfield Wey Valley Society we strive to improve the lives of older people.

In 1956 the founder of Abbeyfield, Richard Carr-Gomm, recognised that many older people were living alone and felt isolated in their communities. He wanted to provide them with a safe and secure home where they could build friendships, find support and receive affordable care.

This charitable ethos is at the heart of everything we do and by supporting us you can help enrich the lives of older people, making later life an enjoyable and fulfilling experience.

Together, you can help us continue to enrich the lives of older people in and around our family of homes in Surrey and Berkshire.

How your donation helps

Your donation will go towards supporting older people in our local communities. We host events and activities throughout the year, offering support and companionship to our residents and friends and your kind support will enable us to further improve the lives of the AWVS community.

Donating to an Abbeyfield home

Your donation can be specifically sent to one of the Abbeyfield Wey Valley Society family of homes for the benefit of their residents. This may be particularly desirable where the donation is in memory of a resident. If this is the case please email with the details of the home and the resident.

Leaving a gift in your will

If you are making a donation in memory of someone and would like the donation to go to a particular house, please email Iain Looms, our PR Manager, or call 01252 979111.

Make a Donation

Please click the Link below and follow the Instructions