Our 1st Home Care Customer
Audrey Marchant is Abbeyfield Wey Valley Society’s first Home care customer. Audrey is a delightful lady who dresses beautifully mainly in purple which is her favourite colour. She has lived in Farnham for two and a half years, after moving from Havant where she had lived for 40+ years, so she could be closer to her family. Audrey has three children, 2 daughters and a son as well as 6 grandchildren.
Audrey said she likes to see the Home Care girls who are very friendly. They always have a chat with her while they help with some of her day to day needs, such as cleaning, dressing and helping her with her breakfast.
Louise her daughter said from her perspective it is nice to know somebody is there to help with checking she is ok and giving her some company.
Audrey has had a very interesting life;
She was a scientific assistant operator for the Admiralty Research Laboratory (ARL). In this role she was sent to Scotland to help with depth testing on submarines. In fact, even though women were not officially supposed to go in the submarines, Audrey did once to help with the research.
Audrey met her husband, John, in Teddington while she was still working for ARL. She can remember rolling her eyes at her friend when he first walked into the office, as he was a very handsome man. He had just come back from Egypt, had a beautiful tan and stood out from everyone else. She said at this time she drove an open top sports car, which was unusual for a girl of her age, but her father owned a garage. One day she saw John walking to the station with a suitcase and offered him a lift but he declined. So taking matters into her own hands the tennis club, she deliberately spilt her orange juice on him so he had to speak with her. Audrey married John at the age of 25 and they were happily married for over 60 years. Audrey added she has had a wonderful life and is still enjoying it now.