Care Homes 01252 735507
Home Care 01252 735522

Bonnie Looms

Abbeyfield Wey Valley Society – Wellbeing Manager

Bonnie, who joined the Society in early 2024  is Canadian and has lived and worked in England for the past twenty years.

Having had extensive experience in event management, Bonnie works across the whole Society alongside the Activities Teams to ensure each home enjoys varied, stimulating and engaging daily activities.

She also organised the schedule of outbound residential trips for each home, together with being the lead in recruiting and managing the expansive team of volunteers who support the Society so wonderfully.

Having lived, and worked in a number of countries before settling in the UK, Bonnie still enjoys travelling and has regular trips back to Canada to see family and friends.

At home she is married, with an 8 year old son called Joshua. Bonnie volunteers as admin for Josh’s kids  football team and also enjoys helping out at the local Beavers group.